
Beer has accompanied us, Jen & Oli, ever since they met. We always found ourselves with afterwork beers at the common employer or relaxing beers at home and with friends. Several times the sentence "We should actually try brewing ourselves" crossed the room. When in April we were introduced to home-brewing by a couple we know we were definitley addicted. Shortly after that those friends gave Jen a B-day gift and the home-brewery was almost set to go. Quickly we got the remaining essentials and ordered the ingredients and on Monday May 20th our first beer was born. The scent of the mash and wort conviced us from the beginning and we continued to order the next ingredients and expand our infrastructure (additional fermenter and wort chiller). The reactions and interest in our surroundings, our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers was so positive that we continue to work on the advancement of Jenoli with full motivation.

Our story will go on - visit us again sometime.